Volunteering for the chapter is one of the most rewarding ways for your to continue your SigEp experience after graduation. Our opportunities for your involvement are limitless. Whether you have time to serve as an AVC Director, mentor an undergraduate, help improve alumni relations, or lead a chapter workshop, we need you to volunteer your time and skills. Our NY Delta volunteers are heroes who give without reservation, their time and talents, to Sigma Phi Epsilon.
“There’s no way to have a healthy, strong chapter unless you’ve got strong, dedicated, consistent alumni support.”
If you aren't sure how you might be able to get involved with the chapter, take a look at some of the opportunities below. If you would like to get started, you can find contact information in the descriptions below or fill out our alumni volunteer interest form.
AVC Director
The New York Delta Alumni and Volunteer Corporation is governed by nine directors. The directors meet monthly via teleconference with the undergraduate chapter leadership to discuss regular business. Some topics AVC directors focus on include: chapter operations, alumni chapter support, facilities repairs and improvements, alumni relations, alumni events, and AVC finance.
The nine director positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Alumni Relations Director, Facilities Director, and three additional Director roles. Directors are elected by the entire alumni body at the Annual Meeting held in conjunction with RPI's Reunion and Homecoming in October. Terms are three years and are filled on a rotating three directors per year basis.
If you are interested in running for an AVC director position, contact AVC President, Dave Tomkins at dt@sigepnyd.com.
We are in need of dedicated volunteers to serve as mentors to undergraduates in leadership positions. Mentors will be paired with a current undergraduate mentee in a chapter leadership role. The mentor should provide guidance to the mentee on chapter goals, personal goals, leadership skills, professional development, or with whatever guidance is appropriate to the relationship.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, contact AVC Director, Bill Leber at bleber@sigepnyd.com.
Balanced Man Program Volunteer
The Balanced Man Program (BMP) is a 4+ year development program that is now the cornerstone of the undergraduate SigEp experience. The chapter is continuously improving their program. One of the best ways to provide meaningful events is to have alumni volunteers participate in or host BMP events. Here are some examples of how our current BMP volunteers found their niche:
- Steve Fallick '68 hosts a semesterly resume critique workshop at the chapter house to help his brothers prepare for RPI's career fair.
- Dave Tomkins '92 and Steve Fallick '68 held a chapter history discussion with all of the new members to introduce them to SigEp.
- Alex Lin '15 facilitated an executive committee retreat for rising chapter leaders.
These are just a few examples of how some alumni have found a small way to help the chapter. The opportunities for involvement in the Balanced Man Program are limitless. If you have a particular skill or interest you would like to share with the chapter once or on a regular basis, we are interested in hearing about it.
For more information on the Balanced Man Program, visit SigEp's Balanced Man Program website.
If you are interested in becoming a Balanced Man Program Volunteers, contact Balanced Man Steward, Eddie Chin at echin@sigepnyd.com.
facilities improvement volunteer
Our properties at 2003, 2005, and 2009 15th Street have aged over the years and are in constant need to upgrades. While some maintenance is done by hired contractors, much is completed by the hard work of teams of undergraduates and alumni. Current plans include window replacements, bedroom remodels, and structural improvements.
If you are interested in becoming a Facilities Improvement Volunteer, contact AVC Facilities Director, Alex Lin at alin@sigepnyd.com.
Alumni Volunteer Interest Form
Whether you are ready to volunteer today, or just want some more information, fill out this form and we will contact you to see how you can get involved with your brothers.